Connecting with the Industry: Reimagined
There is no shortage of industry information out there.
But today’s consumers want relevant, digestible and topical information at their fingertips.
With the Power Up series in 2021, T&D World is providing:
Maximize your investment and connect with your target audience.
Contact Us to Get Involved:
David BlazaInternational/Western US: CA 415.326.5215 |
Steve LachCentral US: TN, KY, IL, IN, OH, MI, WI, MN, IA, ND, SD, NE 708.460.5925 |
Hunter RamirezEastern US: GA, SC, NC, VA, WV, MD, PA, DE, NJ, CT, RI, NY, VT, NH, ME 303.946.3764 |
Brent EklundWestern US: WA, OR, ID, NV, AZ, UT, CO, NM, TX, WY, MT, HI, AK 303.888.8492 |