Smart Meters Enable Living on the Grid Edge
AI & Digitization Track
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
David Elve Mike Phillips

As the electric utility industry enters a new era of AI-powered smart meters where the benefits of an interconnected, customer-centric grid can be fully realized, utilities must marry intelligent, AI-enabled software with utility-grade hardware. In this session, presenters will share detail about the recent Revelo meter rollout in New York, digging into the challenges they collectively faced in meeting the state’s reliability and security standards, and the opportunities their intelligent meters unlock for the region. They’ll also talk about the value of embedding AI and distributed computing software into meters to improve efficiency, enhance reliability and security, and support demand response. This use case involved rethinking the way customer data is used by engaging customers and leading them through this energy transition. The project also required National Grid to think about the intersection of customer and grid benefits at the edge and how the next era of grid edge/AMI 2.0 technology, partly driven by AI, will be different from AMI 1.0.