David Treichler - Oncor Electric Delivery Director Business Development, Financial Modeling and Analytics
Theodore Bohn - Argonne National Lab Principal Electrical Engineer
Charlie Allcock - International Council on Clean Transportation Sr. Infrastructure Advisor
Philip Jones - Alliance for Transportation Electrification Executive Director
Mike Rowand - Energy and Electric Transportation Consultant
Steve Mignardi - Daimler Trucks North America Vice President, On-Highway Market Development
Teresa Hansen - Endeavor Business Media VP Content - Energy
Kevin Jones - Endeavor Business Media CV Group Editorial Director
David Schaller - NACFE Industry Engagement Director

Pre-Conference Hours: 9:00AM-12:00PM
Pre-Conference Fees: Free for Utilities/ $195 for Non Utilities
In this pre-conference session, commercial electric vehicle manufacturers and their fleet customers will connect to the grid of T&D World’s utility-industry attendees to discuss the challenges and opportunities for trucking’s zero-emissions future.
The editorial staffs from Endeavor Business Media’s Energy and Commercial Vehicle media brands came together to create this face-to-face event that will put fleet owners, commercial electric vehicle manufacturers, electric utilities and other stakeholders in the same room to get a better understanding of each other’s needs and barriers to electrifying fleet vehicles. The event will include panel discussions, as well as time for questions, answers and audience discussion.
Session 1 – Uncovering How Fleet Owners’ and Utilities’ Plans Align
Session Speakers:
Teresa Hansen, Vice President-Content - T&D World
Kevin Jones, Editorial Director - Fleet Owner
Fleet owners and utilities recognize that transportation electrification will require new and deeper partnerships. While utilities are experienced in building out infrastructure to meet increased electricity demand, utility companies are new to understanding the diverse needs of CEVs. On the other hand, fleet owners know about refueling internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, but not the optimal electric infrastructure for locating charging depots.
With that in mind, T&D World conducted a research survey earlier this year to learn about utilities’ thoughts, plans and preparation related to fleet electrification in their various services territories. Fleet Owner conducted its second research survey in 2022, which uncovered significant changes in fleet CEV attitudes and adoption activities since its first survey in 2021. This survey brings a bit more clarity to a realistic timetable for broader deployment of electric vehicle technology in the various truck markets. In short, CEVs still account for a very small percentage of the overall U.S. truck fleet, but that small number has doubled from the initial survey.
This opening presentation will provide a glimpse into fleet owners’ plans and expectations related to CEV electrification, as well as utilities’ plans and progress in meeting those expectations.
Session 2 - Charging Technology Transition for Medium- and Heavy-Duty EVs
Session Speakers:
Rick Mihelic, Director, Emerging Technologies - North American Council for Freight Efficiency
Theodore Bohn, Principal Electrical Engineer - Argonne National Lab
Phil Jones, Executive Director - Alliance for Transportation
Charlie Allcock, Consultant to Daimler and the West Coast I-5 Electric Vehicle Charging corridor
Moderator: David Treichler, Director Strategy and Technology - Oncor Electric Delivery
A successful transition to long distance Medium and Heavy Duty (MD/HD) fleet electrification hinges on the migration to fast-changing technology, whether at a travel plaza or at a fleet depot. For more than three years, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory have worked together to develop strategies and technologies for multi-port 1+ MW grid-connected stations to recharge MD/HD electric vehicles. Their goal is to develop research tools and a framework to design and optimize key components and operation of a flexible, grid-connected system that minimizes grid infrastructure cost/impact and allows for integration with distributed energy resources (DER), such as photovoltaics and energy storage.
The panelists in this session will discuss where we are today in the deployment of appropriate charging systems and what it will take to transition to the rapid charging systems essential to longer distance freight movement. This discussion will provide insights important to not only electricity providers, but to fleet owners, OEMs and others in the e-mobility value chain.
Session 3 - Making the First Move
Session Speakers:
Steve Mignardi - Daimler Trucks North America, Vice President, On-highway Market Development
Mike Rowand- MicRogrid Consulting, Principal
Dave Schaller - NACFE, Industry Engagement Director
Electric trucks are ready and the charging infrastructure is implementable, but fleets have a lot of questions. Are their questions the right ones? Our panelists discuss the challenges and opportunities of the transition to zero-emission commercial vehicles.
Session Chair:
Kevin Jones
Endeavor Business Media CV Group
Editorial Director
South Tower, 555 S McDowell St
Charlotte NC 28204
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