605: A Maintenance Hat Trick: Safety, Cost, and Reliability
Date & Time
Thursday, October 6, 2022, 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM
Craig Foster John Lauletta Jacob Barlow

In the U.S. 31% of all distribution grid outages are related to the failure of equipment. These failures have a significant negative impact on crew safety, maintenance costs, and distribution system reliability.  With advanced radio-frequency sensing technology and artificial intelligence (AI), distribution utilities can now detect degraded overhead equipment on a system-wide basis and prevent outages before they occur.  This presentation describes results from utility projects where mobile, edge-computing sensors and AI combined to deliver a hat trick of improved crew working conditions, reduced maintenance costs, and enhanced grid reliability.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to reduce your O&M costs and increase safety by eliminating overhead equipment failure.
  • Reduce the likelihood of injuries by up to 38%
  • Reduce overtime costs by up to 33%
  • Improve distribution reliability by up to 18%

Session Chair:
Nikki Chandler
Nikki Chandler
Associate Content Director
T&D World

Location Name
Mecklenburg 2
Full Address
Sheraton Charlotte Hotel
South Tower, 555 S McDowell St
Charlotte NC 28204
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