Culture is normally overlooked when deploying technology, and for that reason many transformations do not achieve the desired outcomes. Although many refer to transformation as the golden triangle of People, Processes, and Technology, the misperception given off by this depiction is the idea that they stand equally on their own. Transformation happens when people embrace technology to execute a process. Many business leaders focus solely on process or technology without understanding the integration of People. The magnitude of that integration effort of people is determined by Culture. This holds true in Digital Transformation and the growth of Data and Analytics within an organization. As OGE embarks on its journey to advance Data and Analytics, it has intentionally focused on People with Culture Hacks to empower the transformation. Learn what OGE has learned: addressing the culture is more important than the technology selection. Hear how its transformation success is driven by its Data and Analytics community engagement, which has created a culture of inclusion, empowerment and accountability to the pursuit of being a Data Driven Organization.
Session Chair:
Ankush Agarwal
Director, T&D Analytics
Exelon Utilities
South Tower, 555 S McDowell St
Charlotte NC 28204