Natasha Deschene - National Grid Vice President, Electric Asset Management & Engineering NY
Rob Kondziolka - CAISO Governing Body Member
Shawn Schukar - Ameren Transmission President
Tony Jandro - Xcel Energy VP, Transmission Portfolio Delivery
Russell Boyer - Dell Global Energy Field Director

Customers without electricity for days or weeks? Does that happen in the United States of America in the 21st Century? Increasingly, the answer is yes. Wildfires, hurricanes, ice storms, floods and more seem to come more frequently and with greater intensity. It is well past time to accept these devastating and life-threatening outcomes and pursue new approaches to resiliency to protect our communities from high-impact, low-frequency (HILF) or “Black Sky Hazard“ events. The value of critical electric service and critical infrastructure that electricity supports immediately after high-impact storms and events is immense. Without some level of survival of the electric system lives are lost; local commerce, education and medical care grinds to a halt; and personal safety, security and well-being are at perilous risk. This panel of utility experts will discuss pilots and programs to improve resiliency at Ameren, National Grid, Xcel Energy and in the Western US.
Session Chair:
Teresa Hansen
Endeavor Business Media
VP Content - Energy
South Tower, 555 S McDowell St
Charlotte NC 28204