T&D World Conference Optimizer Workshop
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Now that T&D World Live is officially underway, it’s time to supercharge your experience! The Conference Optimizer Workshop is an interactive, high-energy session designed to ensure you make the most of the event.

In this 45-minute workshop, you’ll dive into engaging activities and exercises that will sharpen your networking skills, help you navigate the exhibit floor, and set strategic goals for the rest of the conference.

What to expect:

  • Getting to Know You: Connect with fellow attendees and learn about their goals and interests.
  • Fine-Tuning Your Conference Goals: Refocus and refine your objectives now that the event is in full swing.
  • Exhibitor Bingo: Maximize your time with solution experts by targeting the booths most relevant to your needs.

By the end of the workshop, you'll have the strategies, connections, and energy to ensure you’re getting the absolute most out of T&D World Live. Get ready to tackle the rest of the event with focus and excitement!