Enabling Technologies for Utility-scale Long Duration Energy Storage Integration
Super Session
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
Salam Baniahmed Chico Hunter Ronald Hart Nate Blair

Long-duration energy storage (LDES) technology plays a critical role in decarbonizing the electric grid by addressing the intermittency of renewable sources. Despite its potential benefits, the adoption of LDES faces technical hurdles that could hinder rapid deployment onto the existing grid. This session aims to identify the technical barriers and explore the technologies and solutions available to overcome them.

This session will feature a panel of experts representing key stakeholders in the innovation and deployment of LDES technologies. Panelists will provide insights into the latest technological advancements and development initiatives aimed at revolutionizing energy storage technologies, highlight case studies and collaborative efforts within the industry, and touch on the role of interconnection compliance in accelerating adoption. They will identify and explore challenges such as distribution system upgrades, interconnection procedures, and LDES integration with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. Barriers include issues related to scalability, compatibility, and regulatory frameworks that need to be addressed for successful deployment at scale.