Peter Manos, ARC ADVISORY GROUP (Panel Moderator)
Raiford Smith, AES
David Daly, EV Edison Corp.
Joshua Loyd, 1898 & Co.
Stewart Ramsay, Vanry Associates

Most trucking companies have a small office and a garage, and the largest power use is the air compressor. As these companies begin to look at electrifying their fleets, some might discover that energy storage could work for them. This panel will take the audience through a trucking company’s challenges while converting to electric power. The panelists will discuss past implementation successes, the present plan and the future roadmap and transformation vision, including the transition to digitalization. They’ll explain why location is so important to trucking companies, how much it could cost to install electric infrastructure at the fleet owner’s location and the impact of electric rates on time-of-day usage. Panelists will also cover various utility practices driven by the local board of public utilities that limit their ability to respond quickly when new load is anticipated. They will also discuss the available technologies and innovations (such as energy storage) and how to leverage the right tools to control power usage. The examples presented will illustrate how a strategy for electric charging is cost effective.