Gowtham Kandaperumal, Commonwealth Edison
Glenn Wilson, Southern Company
Joseph Benzaquen, Georgia Institute of Technology

Obtaining DOE funding for grid projects requires not just an understanding of the technologies and project goals, but also application strategies, deployment, reporting strategies, expected outcomes, and maybe most importantly how all of this aligns with a utility’s business case. In this session, two investor-owned utility companies will provide an overview of that process as well as specifics about their DOE funded grid projects. A presenter from Commonwealth Edison will talk generally about the importance of making sure the technologies of a DOE funded projects align with a utility’s business requirements. He also will talk about ComEd’s current DOE funded smart grid distribution project. Presenters from Georgia Tech and Southern Company will discuss DOE funded advanced outage management practices that are being developed to create a more dynamic and resilient transmission grid. This DOE-funded project will investigate, deploy, and demonstrate the synergistic value of two types of GETs: Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) and Advanced Power Flow Control (APFC). The project will identify and investigate the synergies between DLR and APFC to address the steady-state and transient grid stabilization/damping (i.e., system oscillation damping) functions.